Rabia Minahil (Interview)

Name: Rabia Minahil.
Nick name: Mini.
DoB: 12th October.
Favorite Dish: Pizza/ Baryani.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
Firstly I'm really Careless, i take decisions at the last moment! Ummm!
I'm kindda hilarious (i laugh a lot) haha! and idk i make friends very easily! :D
And Yes i like listening to people. :p Oh wait did you ask me where i am and
what do i do? :p Soo yeah I'm currently in Islamabad and i study in Roots.
How did u girls came under the banner of M and S?
Well! We were sitting one day and planning our futures lol and all of a sudden
we thought why not make a band and do some good music so from Minahil
and Shaiza (our first names) M and S was formed!